Hi everyone,
Welcome to the 2024 School Year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday period and I am sure we are all looking forward to an exciting year at Tallygaroopna Primary School.
Welcome to the 2024 School Year. I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful holiday period and I am sure we are all looking forward to an exciting year at Tallygaroopna Primary School. Over the holiday period, the teachers have spent a lot of time and effort preparing grades and organising resources and I know the children of our school will enjoy their time at Tally PS this year. Our school is well equipped to cater for 21st Century Learning and we can be extremely proud of the resources which we have presently. We are looking forward to continuing with our Specialist programs which include Music, Physical Education, Auslan, Respecful Relationships, Art and Library. We will also be continuing with the Resilience Project in 2024. Feel free to see me at school in regard to any matters that arise no matter how trivial they may be. I have an open door policy at school, and I will always seek to do what is best for our children.
Skool Loop will again be utilised for this year. This resource has been very beneficial over the last couple of years and again we look forward to all families joining as many boxes as possible. We also have a school website and Facebook page so I encourage all of our families to take a look at these sites on line to keep up to date with special events at our school. I can fully appreciate how busy families are, so hopefully you find these resources useful and worthwhile. Feel free to contact the school if you need any assistance.
David Brodie